National Day

Showing 25–42 of 42 results


200 SAR

A creatively designed bouquet of roses in a square vase contains roses, baby roses, and white chrysanthemums to make your loved ones happy.


200 SAR

The absolute prestigious arrangement of our hand bouquet with the pretty White Hydrangea complemented with White Lilium as well as with White Hypericum and Gypsophila makes it one of the most exquisite bouquets in our store. Adding to the beauty of this bouquet is the White Roses and the Eustoma along with Steel Grass and Massangeana Leaves. Be the one who brightens their day!
The height is approximately 40 cm to 50 cm.
The width is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm.


150 SAR

A striking vase bouquet of 14 white Roses artistically designed. Our beautiful flower arrangement is a gift that will truly express your love on their special day! It’s the perfect present for anyone who values life’s rich beauty. The height is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm. The width is approximately 10 cm to 20 cm.


150 SAR

An eye-catching vase bouquet consists of White Lilium and Roses atistically mixed in White Chrysanthemum and Gypsophila along with Eucalyptus Leaves to add a unique appearance. Bring the lovely smile of your admired ones! The height is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm. The width is approximately 10 cm to 20 cm.


170 SAR

Our expert florists skillfully arrange our exquisite vase bouquet, that consist of lovely White Roses and White Chrysanthemum mixed in with White Hypericum along with Steel Grass. This bouquet is the most suitable gift for any occasion!

The height is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm. The width is approximately 10 cm to 20 cm.


200 SAR

Our team of experienced florists have carefully selected and combined the gorgeous White Lilium, and White Baby Roses mixed in with White Waxflower and Green Kermit, along with White Roses, White Calla and Eucalyptus Leaves to make your beloved ones realise how special they are to you. This vase bouquet is an excellent gift for any occasion! The height is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm. The width is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm.


200 SAR

Our elegant vase bouquet is a striking arrangement of fresh flowers such as White Cala and White Chrysanthemum mixed in with White Hypericum along with Steel Grass. This bouquet is dexterously designed by our team of extremely talented florists to help you in making them feel special. The height is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm. The width is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm.


250 SAR

A mix of White Hydrangea and White Gypsophila arranged with White Roses along with Ruscus Leaves to make their day extra exceptional by gifting them this adorable vase bouquet! The height is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm. The width is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm.


250 SAR

A superb vase bouquet of White Hypericum arranged with beautiful White Roses and Green Kermit along with Steel Grass. This bouquet is the gift that anyone would immensely appreciate receiving it on all events! The height is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm. The width is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm.


300 SAR

Astonishing White Roses and White Gypsophila blooms along with White Hypericum blended effortlessly with White Baby Roses in our sumptuous bouquet. This bouquet makes a brilliant gift for a friend or loved one! The height is approximately 10 cm to 20 cm. The width is approximately 10 cm to 20 cm.


1,300 SAR

You will confidently lighten up their day by gifting a luxurious bouquet that consists of striking White Cymbidium, and White Phena Lipsus mixed in with several Green and White Hydrangea along with White Tulips, White Baby Orchids and White Baby Roses to add a touch of sweetness. Also, it contains the White Eustoma and White Lilium which are combined with White Waxflower and Twisted Bamboo mixed in with Steel Grass. Our skilled florists have designed this exquisite bouquet that will make you the reason for their dazzling smile. The height is approximately 75 cm to 85 cm. The width is approximately 35 cm to 45 cm.


300 SAR

Make this day immortal in memory and be the one who lights up their day
through the elegant and prestigious arrangement of a bouquet consisting of
green hydrangea and white lilium.


150 SAR

A beautiful bouquet suitable for any celebration or occasion! A bouquet consisting of white lilium


150 SAR

Let the feelings of love and optimism settle the souls of your loved ones with a bouquet of white orchids


350 SAR

Delight your special someone with a beautiful package on a special day that contains express your feelings with a bouquet that inspires familiarity with its unique collection of green sambidium with steel grass.


280 SAR

Our bouquet wows in the grandest of fashions, shimmering with all of nature’s most radiant colours and tones. Our lovely bouquet which is filled with White Rose, Steel Grass.


270 SAR

Express your love for your country through natural flowers, inspired by the national identity. It is a wonderful bouquet in a vase filled with orange rose, white lily, solidago and Corliss with eucalyptus. This bouquet of beautiful flowers is your perfect choice to celebrate the National Day! Height is about 30cm to 40cm. Width is about 20 cm to 25 cm.

Light Pistachio Cake – large

150 SAR

Liight Pistachio Cake – large 23 cm